Depression is not a weakness, it is an illness.
It is not by choice either and often misunderstood, the patient and the illness itself.
It may come in episodes, it may be triggered, it could be continuous for a period of time.
In any case, it is something very difficult to deal with and manage on our own.
Often times, we push people away. Because it is so much easier than having people around that doesn't understand nor can they take the pain away. It lessens the frustration and pressure during the episodes.
Most of the times, during the episodes of depression, the depressed person do not understand and cannot control their thoughts and feelings at all. It just feels like an endless pit, keep falling and never reaching the bottom but yet cannot climb back up.
People suffering from depression are often suffering in silence, because the overwhelming feeling keeps them from reaching out in the open. But there definitely there is that cry for help every once in a while in subtle ways.
Feelings of being ashamed, guilty, anger, jealousy, deep sadness/grief, being a burden, feeling of uselessness, unworthy.
It keeps us from sharing, from asking for help, from getting better.
Sometimes seeing doctors help, sometimes taking medication helps. Sometimes, it just doesn't.
Sometimes depression affects us till the extend of not being able to day-to-day task, sometimes it affects our work performance, most times it affects our relationship with the people around us. Sometimes it affects our physical health too.
Because it is all in our head.
Even when we are the patient ourselves, we often don't understand how depression actually works.
It takes a lot from the person to fight depressive episodes.
And I mean a lot.
During an episode, nothing you say or do ever goes through our mind the right way you intend to mean. Everything said and done will only be viewed in the most negative way possible.
For some people, depression is noticed within them and we try to be understanding or even try to help.
But sometimes, we really do not know if someone is battling depression or not, because we do not know what they have gone through or is going through.
If you do know someone with depression, please, just be patient with them and stay by their side, regardless how much they push you away and stay even if you do not understand what they are going through. Just stay on even if you do not know how to help them during the pain. Because at the end of the day, when their head is clearer and their heart aching lesser, they appreciate the fact that you stayed.
*Disclaimer: Everything posted in this website is from personal experience and personal opinion. My apologies if it offended anyone and thank you for your patience and kindness.